December 4, 2012
Pura Vida
After landing in San Jose I found a friendly taxi driver to
take me to my old high school friend, Ed Fieramosca's house. The directions I
handed over to the driver went something like this: "Take Rohmeisero Road
south, after 5km look for the fruit trees and turn right, go 200m and look for
the corner just before the Market". I was dubious, but at least the directions
didn't instruct us to take a left at the speckled cow on the hill. We made it
there without trouble and I found it a pretty nice neighborhood and safe, undoubtedly
because the U.S. Embassy is close by.
I spent the afternoon with Eddie and his family, had a nice
meal, and tried to follow some spanish TV. More difficult to understand than
the language was why they were giving weather forecasts for North America?? Oh,
and I managed to stay out of jail after a couple of polizia informed me that it
wasn't permissible to have an open cerveza on the sidewalk.
In the evening I sat in on a business conference call with
parties in Australia, Nevada, and Austria. Ed is in the business of building
"Green" residential housing and is working on franchising the
"Nudura" product in Australia. A very interesting product and
building method which is essentially concrete builds with one catch. Normally
concrete is poured into forms and after curing the forms are removed. Nudura is
actually a type of Styrofoam and is used as the forms and left in place. The
result is a super strong build which is water proof, sound proof, mold proof,
termite proof, maintenance free, gives off no gases and is highly insulated. It
goes together like lego blocks and after the recent 6.6 Mag. earthquake they
had, it apparently can also take a pretty good shaking and not suffer.
The next morning 5:30 am came way to quickly, but it was
time to catch another ride to the Nacoya peninsula. An area in the North West
of Costa Rica which was new to me and also home to some of Costa's best reef
and point breaks. There Eddie also happened to have a couple of projects in the
works so I got to see some of the work in progress as well as being introduced
to a bunch of his friends, both ticos and ex-pat gringos.
I was a bit surprised by the lack of development in this
area. There is the new highway that gets you to the area, but after that it's
all dusty dirt roads. In fact, in Playa Negra where I'm staying there isn't
even a bank or ATM! There are a few homes, a few guest houses, a few
restaurants and an approximately 200 square foot grocery store
"oxy-moronically" called
Mini-Super Mercado. Not surprising, after my previous visit, is that Costa is still really
expensive, on par or more expensive than the U.S. in regards to food, fuel,
land, homes, vehicles, etc. A third world mystery to me.
Somehow the locals make it work though and have kept their
friendly disposition. It's a place where friends and strangers alike
unfailingly wave and say hello whether walking, biking or driving. The
intriguing new mantra which I don't recall in past visits is the constant
uttering of "Pura Vida" (pure life). Q: Como Esta? (How are you?) A: Bien!
Pura Vida! (Good, Pure Life!) Maybe the
Costa Rican government has started their own version of "Just say

Today's swell was bigger and tomorrow's.... we will see!
Voy a ir surf!
Pura Vida!
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