Monday, August 08, 2005

While sitting on the terrace one evening Daniel asked me if I would like to have children? I said no, but it's nice of him to offer! I actually said, "I'd like to, but don't want to." A little ambiguous. While in Vipassana one sleepless night I thought of this story which I think helps clarify my meaning.
Do Children Make You Uncomfortable??
Magnum Durex flips open his umbrella in a huff as he steps into the Manhattan cityscape bathed in a cool autumn drizzle. With a furrowed brow he walks to lunch contemplating his predicament. The marketplace is stagnant. As CEO the stockholders were looking to him to gain marketshare, but the meeting he just concluded with his advertising agency left much to be desired. He desperetely needed a new marketing angle.

As he approached the corner of 4th Ave and 42nd street his attention was caught by an easy target on which to vent a little steam.

Another "Doomsdayer" perched on this pilfered milk crate donned with signs prophesizing "The End is Near!!!" Magnum engages his silver tongue and yells out sarcastically to the tattered old man, "Gotta date for us?!?"
With a slight nod his calm cool stare preceeded his answer, "By 2599!"
"Oh really! I suppose Jesus told you this?"
"Sir, Jesus is no longer of this Earth and I speak only to the living."

Magnum thought for sure this guy was a Jesus freak. O.K.
"Then I guess God told you?!"
"I don't believe God Almighty wastes his breath on old homeless men like me. No sir, it was not God who told me this prophecy."
"Well then! Who was it that imparted this wisdom!?"
"It was a cripple."
"A Cripple, HA!! You're just another whacko like all the rest!!"

And with that Magnum Durex flung his umbrella around as he spun on his heels and blindly entered the crosswalk. From behind he heard, "That cripple was Stephen Hawkins."
Magnum recognized the name of arguably the worlds most intelligent man. Caught off gaurd, he once again spun around.
A blaring horn in the not far off distance prevented him from hearing the doomsdayers next words, but he didn't fail to notice a uniquely odd expression on his face. Had he spun another 90 degrees he certainly would not have failed to notice the uniquely horrified expression on the face of Metro bus 19's driver as he futilely locked up the brakes of the ten ton rolling transport. One second Magnum was standing in the crosswalk and the next, Puff, gone! Only to reappear prone ten yards down the boulevard. The smoke from the bus tires lending the effect of a grand magic trick gone awry.

Death was instant. As his disembodied spirit floated skyward Magnum felt a pang of ire well up. Not with regard to his death so much as his inability to respond to the living when the Doomsdayer got in the last word, "For some, the End is nearer than others."

The end was here, but as Magnum met his Creator his mind was preoccupied with the idea of such credible genius as Hawkins' prophesizing the End of the World. Without concern for the current circumstances he put the question to God."Did Stephen Hawkins predict the End of the World?"
(In a Jewish accent ala Mel Brooks or Woody Allen.)
God responds:"Vwell, yes and no. He did not predict the End of the World. He did produce population models that show within 600 years the Earth will be so over populated that every square foot of land will be covered by humans standing shoulder to shoulder. Additionally, if power is to be produced for all these humans, it will cause the Earth to glow red hot like the Sun!"

As Magnum pondered this, his deep concentration prevented him from noticing the almost imperceptible sensation of sinking.

It turned out that despite God's Jewish accent he is in fact a staunch Roman Catholic. As CEO of Durex Condoms, Magnum didn't stand the proverbial chance in Hell of entering Heaven.
So Magnum had eternity to agonize over two things mostly. The Paradox and the Irony.The paradox being the choice between not using contraceptions, thus escaping eternal damnation, but at the cost of creating Hell on Earth. Or, using contraception, thus sparing Earth, but damning oneself eternally?The irony being, well in Magnum's own words,"If I had only given that man a few more seconds, not only would I still be alive, but he would have given me on a shiny silver platter the idea for the market grabbing advertising campaign I was looking for so desperately!
To be or not to be, that is the question- Shakespeare
To breed or not to breed, another good question- DJ

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