Monday, June 06, 2005

Rome- just passing thru

Made it to the campsite with just enough time to check in and make it across the road the supermercato for food. It's still early in the season and it's pretty quiet. But that's OK, I'm only here for two days to figure out were my next stop will be. I'm coming back to do Rome properly in a few weeks. The only people I met were Chelsea & Nicole (Philly) who are studying in Paris, but getting set to go back home. Another tough day at the pool working on the base tan. Find Chelsea & Nicole later that night, so we talk the night away. Apparently the wolves were circling them all night, so they were very glad for my presence. Cause I'm one big bad as* wolf. Well, at least I kept them at bay!! :) The girls warn me that Napoli (Naples) is a ghetto so I decide to skip it and head another hour south to Sorrento which is on the Bay of Napoli. On the way out I was all to happy to mail some things home that had been weighing me down via Rome's Postale Ufficio. A few pounds lighter and I'm on my way to Sorrento......

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